Who’s the Culprit in WRB-AB Leakage?
Track 1: Construction
Wednesday, March 27, 9:45 – 10:45am
Extreme weather events can stress wall assemblies, causing water to enter the building envelope. Fasteners attached to sheathing are a point of vulnerability requiring specific attention in order to avoid leaks and compromise building integrity. With some minor exceptions, the standardized test methods for Water-resistive Barriers (WRB) and Air Barriers (AB) do not consider the range of adhesive and mechanical cladding attachments. These standardized methods also do not include simulations of extreme wind and rain on the cladding attachment penetrations. In this session, we’ll examine parameters and outcomes of water penetration demonstration testing on adhesively adhered cladding attachments using ASTM E331 methodology to determine the seal ability of 2 distinct cladding attachment clips in several WRB-AB configurations. These configurations include thin and thick-mil fluid applied barriers over glass mat gypsum sheathing and an integrated sheathing system, DensElement® Barrier System, which integrates the WRB-AB into the fiberglass mat and core. Testing simulated extreme water and wind that pushed the tested WRB-ABs to the point of failure. You’ll discover how the tested WRB-ABs performed and the main source of leakage at the fastener. You’ll also uncover best practices for cladding attachment penetrations under a number of different scenarios and with specific climate and construction risk factors considered.
Learning Objectives:
- Compare methods of attaching claddings to exterior walls and describe how those cladding attachment methods interact with the water-resistive barrier/drainage plane.
- Discuss concerns around water intrusion at fastener penetrations and material/assembly testing designed to mitigate the risk of water intrusion.
- Explore differences in performance across multiple WRB systems when penetrations from cladding fasteners create opportunity for incidental water to enter the assembly.
- Explain the values of designing with intent for drying capability and drainage efficiency.
Barry Reid, LEED AP BD+C
GP Gypsum LLC
Barry Reid, LEED® AP BD+C, is Building Envelope Technical Manager for GP Gypsum LLC. He assists customers on gypsum product technical issues, building envelope applications and performance, and green building contributions when GP Gypsum products are used. He is part of GP Gypsum Technical Services and Product Management teams integrating building science principles into Georgia-Pacific Building Products and applications. Current building related activities include; Current chair of ASTM E60.01 Sustainability; Buildings and Construction Subcommittee; Air Barrier Association of America (ABAA) Technical Committee member, and past chair and current member of the Gypsum Association’s External Issues Committee.