Introduction to Delegated Design for Building Enclosure Systems

Tuesday May 6, 11:15am – 12:15pm

Centennial E-H

Delegating the design of portions or even the entirety of the building enclosure to specialty contractors is a growing trend. This presentation will introduce the delegated design process and include a combination of research and professional experience to assist participants with understanding and navigating the process. Topics will include the potential advantages for using delegated design, common problems associated with the process, and inconsistent policies and requirements in varying jurisdictions. Considerations will be presented for how project participants can take full advantage of the benefits of delegated design while minimizing risk. This presentation will also outline strategies for successfully implementing delegated designs within both traditional and modern project delivery methods. With building enclosure commissioning becoming more prevalent, early project involvement of building enclosure consultants and BECx Providers can provide value and additional quality assurance for the project, related to delegated design.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Describe the delegated design process and how it is used for the building enclosure.
  2. Evaluate common advantages and disadvantages associated with the delegated design process.
  3. Review performance specifications and strategies to use when writing or reviewing specifications incorporating delegated design components and systems.
  4. Discuss how delegated design impacts project workflow and construction scheduling for different project delivery methods.
Level of content:

Rebecca Rose Booth, NCARB, CDT

Raths, Raths & Johnston, Inc., Chicago IL

Rebecca Booth is a licensed Architect in Illinois.  She has developed drawings and specifications for repair programs to resolve  nonperforming building enclosure systems and components. Ms. Booth has conducted field investigations involving condition survey documentation and on-site testing and performed field inspection and construction observation during repair construction programs.

Her project experience has involved the evaluation of a range of materials and systems, including windows, curtain walls, insulating glass units, roofing assemblies, metal roofing, waterproofing systems, sealants, air barriers, metal panel systems, stucco, and exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS). She has performed litigation support services related to construction defect claims.  Ms. Booth is a member and past chairperson of the Building Enclosure Council-Chicago.

Andrea Baird, NCARB, P.E., CCCA, LEED AP BD+C, BECxP, CxA+BE

Senior Project Architect, Raths, Raths & Johnson, Inc., Chicago, IL

Andrea Baird has 20 years of architectural experience specializing in building enclosure consulting, commissioning, evaluation, and repair design. Her expertise includes building enclosure design review, forensic investigation, diagnostic and performance testing, and building enclosure analysis using software such as THERM and WUFI.
She has considerable roofing and waterproofing experience in the areas of investigation, testing, and development of repair design drawings and specifications. Her knowledge of waterproofing and roofing systems includes below-grade, plaza, single-ply membrane, metal, slate, and built-up roofing.
She has provided litigation support services in the areas of investigation, depositions, and document review on related failures. Located in West Michigan, Ms. Baird has extensive experience consulting on new and existing healthcare facilities, natatoriums, and cold storage facilities